Saturday, December 24, 2011

Cold Cucumber Soup Recipe

The cucumber soup recipe was first published in 1965 in a cookbook named A Treasury of Great Recipe by Mary and Vincent Price however its origin is Scandia Restaurant in Los Angeles, California.

Summer is the best season for its preparation because in summer cucumbers are abundant and low priced. It is useful in hot summer afternoons. If some one takes this soup, he gets good nutrition because it is not less than a complete meal. In late evening meals, this can be served to guests along with mixed field greens and steamed Alaskan crab legs. For late night servings, it is the best thing as it is very light. You may store this soup in refrigerator for future or urgent use.

Nutrition facts
As the cucumber is high in water content, it is best for summer for it stops the dehydration. It is low calorie food. Its calories are only 13 in a single cup. It also possesses vitamin C and caffeic acid which help to diminish the swelling and gives a soothing effect to skin irritations. Cold cucumber soup has high amount of iron, manganese and calcium in it.

Cucumber soup is very speedy and easy dish. It is wonderful dish with full of flavor and great texture that can be served with sandwich. It fulfills your desire of appetite, makes you cool in summer and an easy recipe to impress your guests or loved ones. It can be served as an appetizer before any heavy meal. As it is low calorie food so some may take this soup only in dinner.

To make this tasty and yummy cold cucumber soup at home, try the given instructions and get the appreciation of your family members and guests.

  • Cucumbers (one to two)
  • Cracked Black Pepper (a pinch or according to desire)
  • Salt (according to taste)
  • garlic puree (two tablespoons)
  • Paprika (for garnishing)
  • One onion (small sized)
  • Fresh coriander (chopped, two tablespoons)
  • Greek Yogurt (two cups)
  1. First of all chop the cucumber and onion. Dice them finely so that they could be grounded easily and in short time.

  2. Take food processor; add finely chopped onion, cumber and yogurt into it. Do not add the water of yogurt because that will make the batter thin.

  3. Add coriander and garlic puree also in the food processor.

  4. Grind all these ingredients to get thick and smooth batter.

  5. Transfer the entire ground ingredients into some big bowl.

  6. To relish it cold, put it in refrigerator for an hour or more.
Season of cucumber soup
Seasoning of cold cucumber soup is also an important step in this recipe. Therefore, to season the soup, you should use pepper and table salt.

Garnishing of soup
In the ingredients there is paprika. You know, this is used for garnishing various dishes and you can also garnish your cold cucumber soup with paprika.

Serving the soup
Serve the soup when it is chill. Serve the soup in small bowls and special soup spoon.

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